04 May 2008

So's your mother-in-law! (Solar, The Fourth Wall, Communism, Disneyland, Declined)

I belittle people. It’s my job.

As a stand-up comic, I’m happy to just do my job and entertain…but sometimes people can’t keep their mouth shut. When this happens, I get involved.

Every time the audience gets involved the Fourth Wall becomes a poorly-kept demilitarized zone. And I usually walk away unscathed.

Last Thursday, for example…this lame-o with big ears in the front row made a comment during my “Bring back Communism” routine, something like he’d rather stand in bread line than listen to my act. I told everyone I was sorry I didn’t notice that we had Dumbo the Elephant in the house, and asked him when he was due back at Disneyland.

Laughs all around. For me.

I have a pretty good routine about Solar energy and I was halfway into it when I got the usual “bag of hot air” comment from the obese guy in the fifth row.

I told the guy I was sorry his credit card was declined on his liposuction, although I was happy he was able to afford the breast implants. Zing!

My advice for would-be-hecklers is don’t bring a knife to a gunfight.

~dt (although not a comedian - can't you tell?) dares you to heckle him…but asks that you respectfully avoid talking about his big nose or his alcoholic third cousin.

1 comment:

Lynn Cross said...

You beat all "Barney." Can't wait to see you. Lynn