01 June 2008

Submarine (California, Horizontal, Soaring, Submarine, Whirlpool)

I’ve never been to California and I’ve never seen the Rocky Mountains or the Pacific Ocean. But I don’t think I’m up to it. You see, I’m an East coast girl - a flatlander, really. Just being in the mountains makes me queasy. While gazing out over a lookout point in the North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains not too long ago, I felt like I was hanging in outer space, soaring above terra firma, ready to begin free fall at any moment. My head started spinning as a sucking spiraling whirlpool formed somewhere behind my eyes. I had to dive for cover in the car like a submerging submarine plummeting to safety. I spent the trip home lying perfectly horizontal in the backseat, swallowing down the nausea and counting the minutes until we reached the lovely level land of home.

~Belinda is an avid writer. You can view her blog at Upsidedown Bee.

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